Example 4.4.1.
Consider \(T_A\colon \R^2\rightarrow \R^2\) where
A=\frac{1}{5}\begin{amatrix}[rr]-3\amp 4\\ 4\amp 3 \end{amatrix}\text{.}
It turns out that \(T=T_A\) has a simple geometric description, though you would not have guessed this from the standard matrix \(A\text{.}\) To reveal the geometry at play, we represent \(T\) with respect to the nonstandard basis \(B'=(\boldv_1=(1,2), \boldv_2=(2,-1))\text{.}\) We compute
T((1,2)) \amp=A\colvec{1 \\ 2 }=\colvec{1 \\ 2}=1(1,2)+0(2,-1) \\
T_A((2,-1)) \amp=A\colvec{2 \\ -1}=-(2,-1)=0(1,2)+(-1)(2,-1) \text{.}
It follows, using the formula (4.2.1), that
[T]_{B'}=\begin{amatrix}[rr] 1\amp 0\\ 0\amp -1 \end{amatrix}\text{.}
The alternative representation given by \(A'=[T]_{B'}\) nicely summarizes the action of \(T\text{:}\) it fixes the vector \(\boldv_1=(1,2)\) and maps the vector \(\boldv_2=(2,-1)\text{,}\) which is orthogonal to \((1,2)\text{,}\) to \(-(2,-1)\text{.}\) We claim this implies that \(T\) is none other than reflection \(r_\ell\) through the line \(\ell=\Span\{(1,2)\}\text{!}\) This follows from Theorem 3.6.15. In more detail, from the geometry of the setup, it is easy to see that we have \(r_\ell((1,2))=(1,2)\) (reflection fixes the line \(\ell\)) and \(r_\ell((2,-1))=-(2,-1)\) (reflection ``flips" vectors perpendicular to \(\ell\)). Since \(T\) and \(r_\ell\) agree on the basis \(B'\text{,}\) we must have \(T=r_\ell\text{.}\)
In even more detail, since \(B'\) is a basis, for any vector \(\boldv\in \R^2\) we can write
for some \(c_1,c_2\in \R\text{.}\) It follows that
Together, formulas (4.4.1)–(4.4.2) give us a satisfying geometric understanding of our reflection operator \(T=r_\ell\text{.}\) Let \(\ell^\perp=\Span\{(2,-1)\}\text{:}\) this is the line perpendicular to \(\ell\) passing through the origin. Formula (4.4.1) gives a decomposition of the vector \(\boldv\) in terms of its components along \(\ell\) and \(\ell^\perp\text{.}\) Formula (4.4.2) tells us what \(T=r_\ell\) does to this decomposition: namely, it leaves the component along \(\ell\) unchanged and ``flips" the component along \(\ell^\perp\text{.}\)