Skip to main content\(\require{cancel}\newcommand{\Z}{{\mathbb Z}}
\newcommand{\Q}{{\mathbb Q}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}
\newcommand{\C}{{\mathbb C}}
\newcommand{\T}{{\mathbb T}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\mathbb F}}
\newcommand{\HH}{{\mathbb H}}
\newcommand{\bolda}{{\mathbf a}}
\newcommand{\boldb}{{\mathbf b}}
\newcommand{\boldc}{{\mathbf c}}
\newcommand{\boldd}{{\mathbf d}}
\newcommand{\bolde}{{\mathbf e}}
\newcommand{\boldi}{{\mathbf i}}
\newcommand{\boldj}{{\mathbf j}}
\newcommand{\boldk}{{\mathbf k}}
\newcommand{\boldn}{{\mathbf n}}
\newcommand{\boldp}{{\mathbf p}}
\newcommand{\boldq}{{\mathbf q}}
\newcommand{\boldr}{{\mathbf r}}
\newcommand{\bolds}{{\mathbf s}}
\newcommand{\boldt}{{\mathbf t}}
\newcommand{\boldu}{{\mathbf u}}
\newcommand{\boldv}{{\mathbf v}}
\newcommand{\boldw}{{\mathbf w}}
\newcommand{\boldx}{{\mathbf x}}
\newcommand{\boldy}{{\mathbf y}}
\newcommand{\boldz}{{\mathbf z}}
\newcommand{\boldzero}{{\mathbf 0}}
\newcommand{\boldmod}{\boldsymbol{ \bmod }}
\newcommand{\boldT}{{\mathbf T}}
\newcommand{\boldN}{{\mathbf N}}
\newcommand{\boldB}{{\mathbf B}}
\newcommand{\boldF}{{\mathbf F}}
\newcommand{\boldS}{{\mathbf S}}
\newcommand{\boldG}{{\mathbf G}}
\newcommand{\boldK}{{\mathbf K}}
\newcommand{\boldL}{{\mathbf L}}
\newcommand{\val}[2][]{\left\lvert #2\right\rvert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\abs}[2][]{\left\lvert #2\right\rvert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\valuation}[2][]{\left\lvert #2\right\rvert_{#1}}
\newcommand{\anpoly}{a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}\cdots +a_1x+a_0}
\newcommand{\anmonic}{x^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}\cdots +a_1x+a_0}
\newcommand{\bmpoly}{b_mx^m+b_{m-1}x^{m-1}\cdots +b_1x+b_0}
\newcommand{\bnpoly}{b_nx^n+b_{n-1}x^{n-1}\cdots +b_1x+b_0}
\newcommand{\angvec}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}
\newcommand{\varpoly}[2]{#1_{#2}x^{#2}+#1_{#2-1}x^{#2-1}\cdots +#1_1x+#1_0}
\newcommand{\limasto}[2][x]{\lim_{#1\rightarrow #2}}
\newcommand{\abcdmatrix}[4]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\amp #2\\ #3\amp #4 \end{bmatrix}
a_{11}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{12}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{1n}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_1\\
a_{21}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{22}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{2n}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_2\\
\amp \vdots\amp \amp \vdots \amp \amp \vdots \amp \\
a_{m1}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{m2}x_{2}\amp +\cdots +\amp a_{mn}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_m
e_1:\amp a_{11}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{12}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{1n}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_1\\
e_2: \amp a_{21}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{22}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{2n}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_2\\
\amp \vdots\amp \amp \vdots \amp \amp \vdots \amp \\
e_m: \amp a_{m1}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{m2}x_{2}\amp +\cdots +\amp a_{mn}x_{n}\amp =\amp b_m
a_{11}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{12}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{1n}x_{n}\amp =\amp 0\\
a_{21}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{22}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp a_{2n}x_{n}\amp =\amp 0\\
\amp \vdots\amp \amp \vdots \amp \amp \vdots \amp \\
a_{m1}x_{1}\amp +\amp a_{m2}x_{2}\amp +\cdots +\amp a_{mn}x_{n}\amp =\amp 0
#3_{11}x_{1}\amp +\amp #3_{12}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp #3_{1#2}x_{#2}\amp =\amp #4_1\\
#3_{21}x_{1}\amp +\amp #3_{22}x_{2}\amp +\cdots+\amp #3_{2#2}x_{#2}\amp =\amp #4_2\\
\vdots \amp \amp \vdots \amp \amp \vdots \amp =\amp \\
#3_{#1 1}x_{1}\amp +\amp #3_{#1 2}x_{2}\amp +\cdots +\amp #3_{#1 #2}x_{#2}\amp =\amp #4_{#1}
#1_{11} \amp #1_{12} \amp \cdots \amp #1_{1n} \\
#1_{21} \amp #1_{22} \amp \cdots \amp #1_{2n} \\
\vdots \amp \vdots \amp \ddots \amp \vdots \\
#1_{m1} \amp #1_{m2} \amp \cdots \amp #1_{mn}
#3_{11} \amp #3_{12} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{1#2} \\
#3_{21} \amp #3_{22} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{2#2} \\
\vdots \amp \vdots \amp \ddots \amp \vdots \\
#3_{#1 1} \amp #3_{#1 2} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{#1 #2}
a_{11} \amp a_{12} \amp \cdots \amp a_{1n} \amp b_{1}\\
a_{21} \amp a_{22} \amp \cdots \amp a_{2n} \amp b_{2}\\
\vdots \amp \vdots \amp \ddots \amp \vdots \amp \vdots\\
a_{m1} \amp a_{m2} \amp \cdots \amp a_{mn}\amp b_{m}
#3_{11} \amp #3_{12} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{1#2} \amp #4_{1}\\
#3_{21} \amp #3_{22} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{2#2} \amp #4_{2}\\
\vdots \amp \vdots \amp \ddots \amp \vdots \amp \vdots\\
#3_{#1 1} \amp #3_{#1 2} \amp \cdots \amp #3_{#1 #2}\amp #4_{#1}
\newcommand{\spaceforemptycolumn}{\makebox[\wd\boxofmathplus]{\ }}
#1_{1,1} \amp #1_{1,2} \amp \ldots \amp #1_{1,#2} \\
#1_{2,1} \amp #1_{2,2} \amp \ldots \amp #1_{2,#2} \\
\amp \vdots \\
#1_{#3,1} \amp #1_{#3,2} \amp \ldots \amp #1_{#3,#2}
\right) }
\newcommand{\colvec}[2][c]{\begin{amatrix}[#1] #2 \end{amatrix}}
\newcommand{\rowvec}[1]{\begin{bmatrix} #1 \end{bmatrix}}
\newcommand{\proj}[2]{\mbox{proj}_{#2}({#1}) }
\newcommand{\fillinmath}[1]{\mathchoice{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\displaystyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\textstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptscriptstyle\phantom{\,#1\,}$}}}
Appendix A Notation
Symbol |
Description |
Location |
\(x\in A\) |
set membership |
Definition 0.1.1 |
\(A\subseteq B\) |
set inclusion |
Definition 0.1.3 |
\(A\cup B\) |
set union |
Definition 0.1.8 |
\(A^c\) |
set complement |
Definition 0.1.8 |
\(A\cap B\) |
set intersection |
Definition 0.1.8 |
\(A-B\) |
set difference |
Definition 0.1.8 |
\(\{\ \}, \emptyset\) |
the empty set |
Definition 0.1.9 |
\(\mathbb{R}\) |
the real numbers |
Definition 0.1.9 |
\(\mathbb{Z}\) |
the integers |
Definition 0.1.9 |
\(\mathbb{Q}\) |
the rational numbers |
Definition 0.1.9 |
\(f\colon A\rightarrow B\) |
a function from \(A\) to \(B\)
Definition 0.2.1 |
\(f(A)\) |
image of the set \(A\) under \(f\)
Definition 0.2.6 |
\(\operatorname{im} f\) |
image of a function \(f\)
Definition 0.2.6 |
\(f\circ g\) |
the composition of \(f\) and \(g\)
Definition 0.2.9 |
\((a_1,a_2,\dots, a_n)\) |
\(I\)-tuple |
Definition 0.3.1 |
\(A_1\times A_2\times \cdots A_n\) |
Cartesian product |
Definition 0.3.4 |
\(\boldx=(x_i)_{i\in I}\) |
\(I\)-tuple |
Definition 0.3.5 |
\(\prod_{i\in I}A_i\) |
Cartesian product of the sets \(A_i\)
Definition 0.3.6 |
\(\C\) |
the complex numbers |
Definition 0.6.1 |
\(\Re z\) |
real part of complex number \(z\)
Definition 0.6.1 |
\(\Im z\) |
imaginary part of complex number \(z\)
Definition 0.6.1 |
\(\C\) |
complex numbers |
Definition 0.6.1 |
\(\deg f\) |
degree of polynomial \(f\)
Definition 0.7.5 |
\(\begin{amatrix}[c|c]A\amp \mathbb{b}\end{amatrix}\) |
augmented matrix |
Definition 1.2.1 |
\(A\xrightarrow{c\,r_i} B\) |
scalar multiplication |
Remark 1.2.6 |
\(A\xrightarrow{r_i\leftrightarrow r_j} B\) |
row swap |
Remark 1.2.6 |
\(A\xrightarrow{r_i+c\,r_j} B\) |
replace \(r_i\) with \(r_i+c\,r_j\)
Remark 1.2.6 |
\([a_{ij}]_{m\times n}\) |
Matrix whose \(ij\)-th entry is \(a_{ij}\)
Definition 2.1.3 |
\((A)_{ij}\) |
\(ij\)-th entry of the matrix \(A\)
Definition 2.1.3 |
\(\boldzero_{m\times n}\) |
the \(m\times n\) zero matrix |
Definition 2.1.7 |
\(\boldx\cdot\boldy\) |
dot product |
Definition 2.1.21 |
\(-A\) |
Additive inverse of \(A\)
Definition 2.2.2 |
\(I\) |
inverse matrix |
Definition 2.2.3 |
\(A^{-1}\) |
inverse of \(A\)
Definition 2.3.1 |
\(A^r\) |
matrix power |
Definition 2.3.10 |
\(f(A)\) |
matrix polynomial |
Definition 2.3.11 |
\(\underset{cr_i}{E}\) |
Scaling elementary matrix |
Definition 2.4.1 |
\(\underset{r_i\leftrightarrow r_j}{E}\) |
Row swap elementary matrix |
Definition 2.4.1 |
\(\underset{r_i+c\,r_j}{E}\) |
Row addition elementary matrix |
Definition 2.4.1 |
\(A_{ij}\) |
submatrix of \(A\)
Definition 2.5.1 |
\(\det A\) |
determinant of \(A\)
Definition 2.5.3 |
\(M_{ij}\) |
the \(ij\)-th minor of a matrix |
Definition 2.5.7 |
\(\adj A\) |
adjoint of a square matrix |
Definition 2.5.15 |
\(M_{mn}\) |
vector space of \(m\times n\) matrices |
Example 3.1.3 |
\(\R^n\) |
vector space of \(n\)-tuples |
Example 3.1.4 |
\(\{\boldzero\}\) |
the zero vector space |
Example 3.1.9 |
\(\R^\infty\) |
the vector space of infinite real sequences |
Example 3.1.10 |
\(F(I,\R)\) |
vector space of functions from \(I\) to \(\R\)
Example 3.1.11 |
\(\R_{>0}\) |
vector space of positive real numbers |
Example 3.1.13 |
\(T_A\) |
the matrix transformation associated to \(A\)
Definition 3.2.8 |
\(\rho_\alpha\) |
rotation by \(\alpha\) in the plane |
Definition 3.2.12 |
\(\tr A\) |
the trace of \(A\)
Definition 3.3.15 |
\(\NS A\) |
the null space of \(A\)
Definition 3.4.5 |
\(\Span S\) |
the span of \(S\)
Definition 3.5.1 |
\(\val{X}\) |
the cardinality of the set \(X\)
Definition 3.7.1 |
\(\dim V\) |
dimension of \(V\)
Definition 3.7.4 |
\(\rank T\) |
the rank of \(T\)
Definition 3.8.1 |
\(\nullity T\) |
the nullity of \(T\)
Definition 3.8.1 |
\(\NS A\) |
the null space of matrix \(A\)
Definition 3.8.5 |
\(\RS A\) |
the row space of a matrix \(A\)
Definition 3.8.5 |
\(\CS A\) |
the column space of a matrix \(A\)
Definition 3.8.5 |
\(\rank A\) |
the rank of a matrix \(A\)
Definition 3.8.5 |
\(\nullity A\) |
the nullity of a matrix \(A\)
Definition 3.8.5 |
\(\underset{B\rightarrow B'}{P}\) |
change of basis matrix |
Definition 4.3.1 |
\(\norm{\boldv}\) |
norm of \(\boldv\)
Definition 5.1.14 |
\(d(\boldv, \boldw)\) |
the distance between \(\boldv\) and \(\boldw\)
Definition 5.1.20 |
\(W^\perp\) |
the orthogonal complement of \(W\)
Definition 5.3.1 |