Example 17.1. Inflating a balloon (redux).
The volume \(V\) (in cm\(^3\)) of a spherical inflatable balloon is computed as \(V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3\text{,}\) where \(r\) is the radius of the balloon (in cm).
What is the rate of change at time \(t_0\text{,}\) assuming that the volume at this point is \(36000 \pi\) and the rate of inflation at \(t_0\) is \(0.05\) cm per s?
Letting \(V(t)\) and \(r(t)\) be the volume and radius of the balloon after \(t\) seconds, we have
V(t)=\frac{4}{3}\pi (r(t))^3\tag{17.1}
and hence
V'(t)=4\pi\, r(t)^2\, r'(t)\text{.}\tag{17.2}
It follows that the rate of change of volume \(t_0\) seconds after inflating is
V'(t_0)=4\pi \, r(t_0)^2\, r'(t_0)\text{.}
We are told that \(r'(t_0)=0.05=1/20\text{.}\) Thus it remains only to determine \(r(t_0)\text{,}\) the radius of the balloon at this time. We can derive this from the given fact that \(V(t_0)=36000\pi\text{.}\) Indeed, we have
or \(r(t_0)=30\) cm. We conclude that
V'(t_0)=4\pi \, r(t_0)^2\, r'(t_0)=4\pi (30)^2\cdot \frac{1}{20}=180 \pi \text{cm^3 per second}\text{.}
That is, at time \(t_0\) the volume is increasing at a rate of \(180\pi\) cm\(^3\) per second.